With your child pointing at everything, proclaiming “I need that,” while back to school shopping, it can be difficult to determine what back-to-school gear is a necessity. School supplies go beyond the traditional pencil-and-pencil-case that was needed back in the day, and instead, many classrooms have implemented technology to allow for modernized learning. But what does your child reallyneed for back to school gear?
The school season is starting to wrap up and it’s time for some fun in the sun. Whether you’re a parent planning on taking the little ones on some road trips or are a high school student eager to check out the season’s best music festivals with your friends, you’ll want to pack summer’s best take along tech gadgets.
Forget about engraving a diamond pen or gifting yet another notepad for the digital writer in your life. Simply choosing the right gift for digital writers can be all you need to gift something meaningful this holiday season.
So normally we talk tech on the Lynktec blog, but we’re Chicago-based so we have spring fever because if you know anything about this area, you know winters can be tough! But it’s spring here (thank god!) and images fill the mind with everything from gorgeous greenery bursting with colors of spring to bright new home décor to trendy fashion.